Bonus Episode? That's right. We're already doing a Bonus Episode. Yeah it's a little cheeky to do a bonus episode this early but you'll thank us for it! Ron and Andrea head to Atlantic City again despite the bad luck they had there last time (see episode 4 - yikes!). But they realize the best restaurants there aren't at the Quarter. The Palm? You're either 80 years old or trying to impress someone with how much you can spend on a steak. And Carmine's? It's pasta, garlic bread, and Chianti. You can do better. They hit up Jose Garces'.... Jose Garces's.... the newest restaurants in AC from Jose Garces (nailed it!). From the Tokyo underground to an Ecuadorian village (Andrea describes it as Cuban because she's a dolt), they implore others to check out these gems in the Tropicana.